Who Is Ryder?

Ryder the Cowboy

Ryder is now a national treasure among Canadians everywhere, but he started off as just an average man.

He was a loner cowboy who moved around the prairies constantly to find work. He always struggled to find steady work but he loved caring for cattle.

Out of options in Alberta he saddled up his horse, Leroy, and headed to Saskatchewan.

He went from farm to farm in Saskatchewan offering himself as cheap labour, but alas no one wanted him.

Feeling defeated he had one more farm to stop at, but he had a feeling that it would be another “no” that sends him on his way.

He was heading down the dirt roads and saw the farm, and in the distance, he saw a combine running.

He rode in the direction of the tractor and saw that there was no man driving it. He looked closer and saw a man struggling underneath it.

He hopped on his horse and ran over to help the man.

He pulled the damaged man out of the combine and immediately started caring for his injuries.

The man would have died without the speedy help from Ryder!

After getting the man stable and back into his farmhouse, he introduced himself to Ryder as Mr. Saskatchewan. Ryder was surprised that that was his name and asked, “sir, your name really is Mr. Saskatchewan?”

Mr. Saskatchewan replied, “Well you did more than saving an average farmer in the prairies. You just saved a Provincial Guardian. There is much about this nation that common folk, like yourself, don’t know or can’t understand. You saving me today ultimately saved Canadians of all locations.”